CBSE/NCERT Class 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th Biology

Forests our lifeline: Questions and Answers Chapter 8  for Class 7th  (CBSE/NCERT)

There are numerous ways to classify forests. The abiotic qualities of a region, such as its climate and soil, affect the type of forest there. Coniferous and broadleaved forests can be generically classified as forests in India. They can also be divided into groups according to the kind of trees they have, such as Mangroves, Xerophytes, Evergreen, Deciduous, or Thorn trees. They can also be divided into groups based on the most common tree species, such as Sal or Teak woods. A forest’s first three or four most prevalent tree species are frequently used as the name for the forest.
Coniferous forests: The Himalayan mountain range, where temperatures are low, supports coniferous woods. Tall, imposing trees in these forests have needle-like leaves and branches that slope downward to allow snow to slide off them.
Broad-leaved forests: There are various kinds of broad-leaved forests, including mangrove forests, thorn forests, deciduous forests, and evergreen forests. The majority of broad-leaved trees are situated in medium to lower latitudes and feature huge, diversely shaped leaves.
Evergreen forests: The Western Ghats, North Eastern India, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands all have high rainfall regions where evergreen forests can be found. These woods flourish in regions with lengthy monsoon seasons.
Deciduous forests: Regions with seasonal rainfall that is mild and only lasts a few months are where you’ll find deciduous woodlands. These kinds of woodlands predominate in areas where teak trees flourish. During the sweltering summer and winter seasons, deciduous trees lose their leaves.
Thorn forests: The semi-arid parts of India are home to thorn forests. The sparsely spaced-out trees are bordered by wide-open, grassy regions.
Mangrove forests: Along the shore, mangrove forests are particularly abundant in river deltas. These plants have a special adaptation that allows them to flourish in both freshwater and saltwater. They flourish in muddy, silt-covered places that the rivers have deposited. The breathing roots of the mangrove plants protrude from the mud banks.

Forests our lifeline: Questions and Answers Chapter 8  for Class 7th  (CBSE/NCERT) Read More »

COMPONENTS OF FOOD: Questions and Answers Chapter 2 for Class 6th (CBSE/NCERT)

Nutrients: Nutrients are the parts of food that provide energy and support growth. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals are the primary nutrients in meals. Dietary fibres and water are also categorised as nutrient addition to these.
Malnutrition: Malnutrition is the ill condition of the body brought on by a deficiency in one or more nutrients.
Obesity: The excessive accumulation of fat in a person’s body causes it to be too heavy and bulky.
Scurvy: Scurvy is a condition brought on by a vitamin C deficiency. Gum swelling and bleeding, loosening of the teeth, joint pain, and general weakness are all signs of scurvy.
Anaemia: Anaemia is caused by a lack of iron in the diet. An anaemic person will exhibit the following symptoms: 1. Paleness; 2. Ease of fatigue; 3. Appetite loss; and 4. Weight loss.
Rickets: Rickets is caused by a vitamin D deficiency. A person deficient in vitamin D will exhibit the following symptoms: i. Softening and weakening of children’s bones; ii. Twisted or bow-legged legs; and iii. Delayed growth.

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Why do we fall ill: Questions and Answers Chapter 13 For Class 9th (CBSE/NCERT)

Ans: It is a process that develops our body’s resistance to disease-causing germs. In this procedure, a healthy person receives an injection of a vaccine to help them build immunity to a particular disease. Our immune system, therefore, engages in combat with a dead or attenuated microorganism in the form of vaccination to strengthen immunity against the same disease. When the bacterium returns, the immune system’s cells are aware of it and rapidly dispatch it.

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Improvement in Food Resources: Questions and Answers for Class 9th Chapter 15 (CBSE/NCERT)

What is genetic manipulation? How does it help with agricultural methods?
Ans: The act of inserting a particular gene into the genetic makeup of a crop to produce the desired traits is known as genetic manipulation. The following are some examples of desirable traits that can be obtained by genetic modification:
High yield, improved quality, broader adaptability, desirable agronomic features, and biotic and abiotic tolerance are only a few of the characteristics.

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POLLUTION OF AIR AND WATER: Questions and Answers CBSE/NCERT For Class 8th Science Chapter 18

Describe four techniques to conserve air.
Ans: Here are a few strategies for preserving air: To lower air pollution, planting trees is crucial.
Use of smokeless stoves with efficient designs.
Utilizing smokeless fuels like LPG and CNG.
Equipping automobiles with a unique mechanism known as a catalytic converter to reduce vehicle emissions
Preventing the release of waste gases into the environment by using electrostatic precipitators to remove solid particles, such as carbon, from the gases.

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Reproduction in Animals: Question and Answers CBSE/NCERT For  Class 8th Chapter 9

Define test-tube baby?
Ans: In-vitro fertilisation, or IVF, is a method used by women who have blocked oviducts and are unable to conceive naturally to create a test-tube baby. For IVF (in vitro fertilisation), doctors take freshly released eggs and sperm and keep them combined for a few hours (fertilisation outside the body). The zygote is given a week to develop if fertilisation occurs before being inserted into the mother’s uterus. Like any other infant, the baby grows completely inside the uterus before being born. Test-tube babies are those born in this manner. This is a misleading term because babies cannot develop in test tubes.

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Some Natural Phenomena: Question and Answers CBSE/NCERT for Class 8 Science Chapter 15

Describe three things you’ll do in the event of an earthquake?
Ans: If you are in an earthquake, you should follow these precautions: (i) Take cover under a table if you are confined to your home or another structure; do not move until the shaking stops. Use your arms to cover your head. Don’t use the elevator. (ii) Avoid standing close to fans, bookcases, mirrors, hanging plants, or windows. (iii) Get out of your house or school and go somewhere open. (iv) If you’re outside, stay clear of tall buildings, trees, signs, poles, and electric poles and wires. (v) Avoid riding in a car or a bus.

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