Cell and Molecular Biology

CELL: Discovery, Structure, Functions, Questions, and Answers for Class 8th Science Chapter 8 NCERT/ CBSE

Every known living entity has a cell as its fundamental structural and functional element. It is frequently referred to as the foundation of life since it is the tiniest piece of life that may be considered a living entity. There are roughly 10 trillion cells in an adult human. Only under a microscope can one see the majority of plant and animal cells, which range in size from 1 to 100 m. In 1665, Robert Hooke found the cell. All organisms are made up of one or more cells, According to the cell theory, which was first put forth in 1839 by Matthias Jakob Schleiden and Theodor Schwann. It also states that all cells are descended from preexisting cells, that vital functions of an organism take place within cells, and that all cells contain the genetic information required to control cell functions and pass information to the next generation of cells.

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Cell Cycle, Mechanism, and its various Phases For Class 11th and NEET

Cell Cycle: Definition
The Cell Cycle is a well-ordered sequence of events that results in cell division and the formation of two daughter cells that are identical to their parents. It is a highly controlled mechanism that is required for appropriate cell function (growth). Any interruption in the regulation of the cell cycle has the potential to cause cancer. Despite the scientific community’s intense interest in finding a solution for this threat, one-sixth of the world’s population is being hunted by it. Cell division happens in all living species, but it occurs in prokaryotes and eukaryotes in diverse ways. Prokaryotic cells have a basic shape, no nuclear membrane, and a single circular chromosome in their genome. As a result, binary fission is used to divide it.

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Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells: Definition, Structure, and Differences

Prokaryotic Cell
1. The genetic material is present in the form of a nucleoid, but there is no structured nucleus.
2. The nuclear membrane is missing.
3. Histones are not complex with DNA.
4. Circular DNA that isn’t packed into chromosomes.
5. Organelles that are membrane-bound are not present.
6. Type 70 s ribosome
7. Murein is used to make the cell wall.
8. Flagella simple is made up of flagellin and lacks the 9+2 organization.
9…There was no evidence of cytoplasmic streaming.
10. Microtubules are not present.
11. Various types of pili can be found.

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