
Shark: Excretory System, Reproductive System, Nervous System, and, Sense Organs

The excretory system is closely related to the reproductive system. Males and females differ significantly in several key ways. A pair of opisthonephric kidneys, which are long, thin, highly vascularized strips of tissue that filter nitrogenous wastes from the blood, chiefly urea, make up the excretory system. The archinephric ducts are responsible for kidney drainage. The more caudal section of the archinephric duct also carries urea produced by the kidneys in males, whereas the cranial portion of the duct serves primarily a reproductive purpose. The female has smaller and shorter archinephric ducts. The two tiny auxiliary urinary ducts in males that drain into the urogenital sinus receive urine from the archinephric ducts. The male auxiliary urinary ducts and the archinephric ducts discharge into the urinary papilla, a little projection into the cloaca. In males, the urogenital papilla is another name for the urinary papilla. Materials from the digestive, reproductive, and excretory systems are delivered to the cloaca. Excretory waste leaves the cloaca and travels outside. A duct connects the rectal or digitiform gland to the big intestine. This tubular organ helps the dogfish maintain a healthy osmotic equilibrium in its bodily fluids by excreting extra sodium chloride.

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Shark: Skeletal System, Muscular System, Digestive System, Respiratory System, and, Circulatory System

Sharks have a fairly simple muscle structure. The majority of the musculature is made up of huge, striated, segmented, V-shaped muscle groups termed myotomes, which are easily visible in a skinned shark. The exceptions to this rule are specific muscles that govern the jaws and particular fins. A connective tissue-based myoseptum divides individual myotomes from one another. Additionally, a horizontal septum divides them into dorsal and ventral groupings.

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Shark: The External Anatomy, Head, Trunk, and Tail

Sharks occur in over 400 different varieties. Each type of shark has a distinct appearance, diet, and behavior. Sharks may be found in all four oceans on the planet. Some sharks can fit inside a fish tank, while others are smaller than a school bus. Sharks come in a wide range of hues. Their skin tone usually makes it easier for individuals to blend in with their surroundings. However, certain sharks that dwell in the ocean’s deepest regions have sections that light at night. While some sharks can survive in freshwater, most sharks dwell in saltwater. Sharks all have different characteristics that make them special or make them unique. Sharks are a type of fish. Sharks and common fish have several similarities as well as differences. The cartilage that makes up a shark’s skeleton. Bones make up the skeleton of fish. The tough, flexible material found in people’s ears and noses is cartilage. Sharks have gills, just like other fish. Fish breathe through their gills. People use their lungs to absorb oxygen from the air, unlike fish. Fish use their gills to draw oxygen from the water. Sharks and fish need water to pass over their gills to acquire enough oxygen. Most sharks need to swim in water with a very high current to keep the water moving.

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