February 2024

Key regarding What should be put in Shaala Shiddhi Domains

Our continuous improvement plan for the 2022–2023 academic year focuses on three key areas: frequent professional development for teachers, encouraging a culture of data-driven decision-making, and increasing student engagement through creative teaching techniques. Incorporating technology, guaranteeing fair access for every student, and enhancing relationships with parents and the community will also be top priorities.

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Rocks: Definition, Rock Cycle, Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous Rocks

Rocks are solid aggregates or mixtures of minerals, mineraloids, or organic compounds that occur naturally. They are the fundamental constituents of the crust of the Earth and can be made up of one or several minerals. The rock cycle is a geological process that causes rocks to continuously change throughout time, moving from one type to another. Geology is the study of rocks and the processes that shape the Earth.

Rocks: Definition, Rock Cycle, Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous Rocks Read More »