November 2022

Cyclamen persicum: Discovery, Classification, Origin, and Characteristics

Cyclamen persicum: Discovery, Classification, Origin, and Characteristics Introduction The prominent species of the genus Cyclamen L.,  including garden flowers and  indoor plants, are primarily  distributed in theEurope, the Mediterranean, Western Asia, and North Africa. Before its recent categorization as a  member of the  Primulaceae family, the seed stem’s  spiraling habit or the spherical corms could imply the  origin of the word “Cyclamen”the circle-denoting Greek term “kyklaminos.”All species of the genus  Cyclamen have several traits in common that can be used to identify them as one phylogenetic group. Their hypocotyls, for example,Their corolla lobes are noticeably reflexed, and they are swellingcoiling fruiting pedicels and an established tuberous rootThe Persian cyclamen, Cyclamen persicum,  is a type of blooming herbaceous perennial plant that emerges from a tuber and is found in rocky hillsides, shrubland, and woodland up to 1,200 m (3,900 ft) above sea level, from south-central Turkey to Lebanon-Syria and the Palestinian territories.Additionally, it can be seen growing in Algeria, Tunisia, and the Greek islands of Crete, Rhodes, and Karpathos, where it might have been brought by monks.This species’ cultivars include the frequently encountered florist’s cyclamen. Discovery The city of Bchamoun, which is situated on the western slopes of Mount Lebanon, is the site of the first discovery of the species Cyclamen persicum f. puniceum (Gleason) Grey-Wilson. Classification Kingdom:PlantaeOrder:EricalesFamily:PrimulaceaeGenus:CyclamenSpecies: C. persicumScientific name: Cyclamen persicum Habitat Perennial flowering herbaceous plant adapted to the extremely dry and hot summer climate of the Mediterranean, growing from a tuber that is dormant throughout the dry summer months. Naive to shrub land, rocky hillsides, shaded by pine trees (very shade tolerant), and occasionally in full sun, Cyclamen persicum f. puniceum grows naturally (the leaves get smaller). Origin From the Mediterranean to Iran, cyclamen grows wild in the middle east (Good, 1964). This species typically grows in thicket associations, such as Quercus thaburensis/Styrax officinalis or Salvietwn trilobae/Aliwn subluruitwn, on steep slopes (Zohary, 1962).On rare occasions, C. persicwn is observed growing lithophytically right into rocks with unusually high field capacities. Characteristics A perennial herbaceous plant with a height of around 32 cm (13 in), Cyclamen persicum.Heart-shaped, fleshy leaves on wild plants can grow up to 14 cm (6 in) in length and are typically green with lighter patterns on the upper surface.Puniceum-type Cyclamen persicum (Gleason) Individual stalks for Grey-Wilson blooms range in length from 9 to 20 cm and contain five petals that are nearly erected on top.The flowers have a crimson-magenta or deep pink zone at the base of each petal and range in colour from red to carmine.The clumps consist of dark green leaves (4–9 cm) with serrated hearts that are purple underside and frequently have stunning silver patterns with marbling on the upper surface.The plant’s brown, corky, flattened tuber, which can be up to 15 cm in diameter and gets rougher with age, is where the leaf stalks and thick (2 mm) diameter roots emerge from.base.The underside of the leaf may be reddish or pale green.The leaf margin is typically serrated and has a little thickening.Phenologycommencing in January (174 m) and lasting until the end of April(836 m) FLOWERING The development of the cyclamen persicwn flower starts on the side of the radially synunetric branch apex, close to the axil of the sixth leaf (Sundberg, 1977). Before flower initiation, the initially lateral apex of the growing shoot system has been moved to the center by substantial tissue proliferation at the base of the first leaves (Sundberg , 1977). More quickly than the other leaves, the sixth and seventh leaves grow. This might be connected to the initiation of the bloom (Sundberg, 1977).As long as the plant continues to grow, flower primordia continue to develop in the terminal and adventitious leaf axils (Neuray, 1977). The pace of floral growth is constant from flower to flower and unaffected by the rates of corresponding underlying leaves (Sundberg, 1977). Frequently Asked Questions Question:Is Cyclamen Persicum an outdoor plantAnd:YesQuestion: Is Cyclamen Persicum HardyAns: NoQuestion: […]

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BOTTLE GOURD: Introduction, Characteristics, Origin, Evolution, Harvesting, Diseases, and Control measures

Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl. (2n = 22) is a kind of bottle gourd. (Lauki in Hindi)
1. A climbing annual with a 3 1/2 to 4-month lifespan is the bottle gourd.
2. India has a large bottle gourd farming industry, and the fruits are accessible all year round.
3. Due to the fruit’s bottle-like form and historical use as a container, the bottle gourd got its name.
4. They are lone, chalky white, and only bloom at night.
5. Fruits that are still in their tender stages are utilized to make pickles, desserts, and prepared vegetables. Fruits range in size and form and are meaty.
6. Mature fruit shells are utilized as water jugs, household items, fishing net floats, and other things. It is simple to digest as a vegetable.
7. It is a diuretic, has a cooling effect, and is cardiotonic.
8. Fruit pulp is effective at preventing constipation, night blindness, and coughing as well as acting as an antidote to several poisons.
9. For the treatment of jaundice, a leaf decoction is taken.
10. Dropsy makes use of seeds.

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Hens and Chicks Plant: Characteristics, Propagation, Care, Culture and Medicinal Uses

Small succulent plants collectively known as “Hens and chicks” are so-called because they have expanded portions that can hold water. It is a member of the Crassulaceae flowering plant family, which is indigenous to southern Europe and northern Africa. The plants have leaves arranged in a rosette and grow close to the ground. Offsets are used for propagation. The primary plant is referred to as the “hen,” while the offspring are referred to as the “chicks.” The offspring begin as small buds on the mother plant and quickly sprout their roots, settling down close to the mother plant.

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Ice Plant (Delosperma Cooperi): Introduction, Classification, Characteristics, and, Uses

How to Grow an Ice Plant
They do best in full sun, ice plants may take some mild shadow in the garden. Despite flourishing in low soils, ice plants cannot withstand moist soil because they are succulents. Plants are likely to perish in moist soil, particularly during the winter. When planting this plant, it is advisable to keep in mind that it might become invasive in locations where the soil is persistently dry. By division, cuttings, or seeds, the ice plant can be multiplied. When propagating via division, springtime is the ideal time to divide the plants. You can take cuttings at any time during the spring, summer, or fall. When starting plants from seeds, sprinkle the seeds over the soil’s top without covering them since they need light to germinate.

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White Rock Larkspur (Delphinium leucophaeum): Classification, Habitat, Characteristics, General Description, Floral Characteristics, and Fruits  

The Ranunculaceae tribe Delphinieae includes 385 species of the genus Delphinium L., most of which are found in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere and mountainous regions of equatorial Africa (Ilarslan et al. 1997). In the Flora Iranica region, this genus has 53 species, 29 of which have been documented from Iran (Iranshahr 1992). In the northeast of Iran (Khorassan), Afghanestan, and Turkmenistan, the plant Delphinium semibarbatum grows (Iranshahr 1992). This species was acknowledged as a synonym of D. zalil in Flora Iranica (Iranshahr 1992) and Flora of the USSR (Nevskii 1937), but Parsa (1951) and IPNI considered these two species to be separate species (International Plant Names Index).

White Rock Larkspur (Delphinium leucophaeum): Classification, Habitat, Characteristics, General Description, Floral Characteristics, and Fruits   Read More »