Agriculture Biofertilizers: Types, components, and Importance

Importance of Biofertilizers
1. It is low-cost cost, easy technique, and easily available to marginal farmers.
2. It is free from pollution hazards and increases soil fertility
3. On application of Algal biofertilizers Rice yield may increase up to 55%
4. Biofertilizers increase Physiochemical properties of soil such as soil texture, cationic exchange capacity, and PH of the soil
5. Cyanobacteria secrete growth-promoting substances like NAA, IAA, Amino acids, Vitamins, etc.
6. Biofertilizers boost plant yields and soil texture, and pathogens are unable to thrive in their presence.
7. Even in semi-arid environments, biofertilizers have been found to be advantageous since they eliminate several harmful chemicals from the soil that could cause plant illnesses.

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