Joint Movements: Gliding, Angular Movement, Sternoclavicular joint, Shoulder joint, Elbow joint, and Hip joint
A. Gliding – The act of gliding occurs at articulation. For instance, these movements are most frequently observed at the foot’s intertarsal joints and the wrist’s intercarpal joints.
B. Angular Movement
1. Abduction – being “carried away” or moving out of the frontal plane’s anatomical location.
2. Adduction – Anatomical posture is restored through movement in the frontal plane, “adding to” the body.
3. Flexion – bending your knee and moving out of your natural position in the sagittal plane.
4. Extension – movement that returns the sagittal plane to its anatomical place.
5. Hyperextension – returning a body part past its anatomical place.
6. Rotation- rotating on its long axis, such as when you tilt your head sideways.
7. Circumduction – pivoting around a limb’s origin and creating circles in the air using adduction, abduction, flexion, and extension movements at the articulation.
C. Special Movements
1. Eversion: pointing the foot’s sole laterally and outward.
2. Inversion: pointing the foot’s sole medially inward. The most typical method of ankle spraining.
3. Dorsiflexion, which involves pointing the toes or foot upward.
4. Plantar flexion: standing on “tippy toes,” pointing the toes downward, and lengthening the ankle.
5. Lateral flexion, which is the bending of the spine to the left or right without twisting.
6. Protraction: anterior movement in the horizontal plane, such as protruding your jaw.
7. Retraction: returning to the anatomical position by doing the opposite of protraction.
8. Opposition: thumb motion in the direction of fingers. To hold onto things. The reverse is repositioning.
9. Elevation: better movement, such as shoulder shrugging.
10. Depression – Restoring joint and body posture following elevation is known as depression.
Here are some brief explanations and illustrations of synovial joints:
A. Planar Gliding: only allow gliding action. One-way
B. Hinge: flexion and extension are examples of movement in a single plane. Only one direction.
C. Pivot: the rotation of a single bone along its length. The axis of the atlas is whirling.
D. Ellipsoidal (condyloid) – The wrist’s radiocarpal joints are ellipsoidal (condyloid). Encourage more movement. Biaxial.
E. A saddle joint, such as the base of the thumb, allows for several degrees of motion. Biaxial.
F. Ball and socket joints: these allow for the widest range of motion. Triaxial
Specific Joints in the Body
A. Temporomandibular joint – The temporomandibular joint is a hinge joint that can move laterally due to the pterygoid muscle, which attaches to the mandible’s medial (internal) surface.
B. Intervertebral joints –
Symphyses joints, also known as intervertebral joints, are fibrocartilaginous joints that permit a small amount of movement between each pair of vertebrae.
Numerous vertebral ligaments provide substantial stabilization for these articulations.
1., the anterior longitudinal ligament.
2. The ligament of the posterior longitudinal.
3. Ligamentum flavum, the vertebral lamina to lamina.
4. The interspinous ligament connects the vertebrae’s spinous processes.
5. Supraspinous ligament: joins the tips of the spinous processes.
C. The sternoclavicular joint is a stable joint with a restricted range of motion, but when paired with the other shoulder articulations, it increases the body’s flexibility in that area.
D. Shoulder joint: The glenohumeral joint, which is the most mobile joint in the body, has the greatest range of motion and flexibility but, as a result, has very little stability. Held mostly by muscles and ligaments, the glenoid fossa and the head of the humerus do not match well. In contrast to the hip joint, which has a deep acetabulum, this ball and socket joint has a fairly shallow socket.
E. The elbow joint, also known as the humeroulnar joint, is a hinge joint with articulating surfaces that fit each other incredibly well. It is connected to the trochlea (medial condyle) of the humerus by the wrench-like ulnar notch. A very stable joint results from this tight articular fit.
F. Wrist joint – The radius and three proximal carpals—the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum—articulate at the wrist joint. Flexion, extension, lateral and medial flexion, and circumduction are all made possible by their additive movement along the curvatures of the distal end of the radius and the first three carpal bones of the proximal row, which demonstrates an ellipsoid or condyloid synovial joint between each.
G. Hip joint – This joint, which is one of two “ball and socket” joints (together with the shoulder joint), has a great fit between the femur head and the acetabulum. The deep acetabulum, or “vinegar cup,” serves as the socket, and the massive femoral head serves as the ball. In comparison to the shoulder joint, which has a very shallow socket and lacks major muscles crossing over that articulation, the hip joint is significantly more stable due to the depth of this socket.
The round ligament, also known as the ligamentum teres, is a cord-like tether that joins the acetabulum with the femoral head’s fovea capitis. It serves to hold the femoral head firmly in the acetabulum, the os coxa’s socket. The stability of the hip joint is further increased by the big, notably hefty muscles that span it.
H. Knee joint: It’s interesting to note how poorly the articulating bones fit at this joint. As a result, several structures and processes work together to support this joint.
1. Strong capsule ligaments – Having medial and lateral collateral ligaments on either side, the capsule ligaments are strong.
2. Menisci – which are fibrocartilage pads to improve the fit between the tibia’s head and condyles.
3. Intercondylar eminence: offers ligament attachment and some lateral stability.
4. As the joint extends, the cruciate ligaments tighten, limiting anterior and posterior motions beyond the typical anatomical range. These ligaments sustain damage when the knee joint undergoes lateral and medial deviation or hyperextension.
5. The popliteal ligaments support the lower part of the knee.
I. Ankle joint: This joint, which connects the talus and tibia, is a hinge. The deltoid and lateral ligaments aid in the stability of this joint. Here, two distinct movements take place:
1. Eversion: when the foot’s sole moves laterally or outward.
2. Inversion: this is the movement of the foot sole medially or inward.