Persian Silk Tree: Distribution, Classification, Characteristics, Phytochemical Constituents, and Importance

Phytochemical Significance of Persian Silk Tree
Studying the phytochemistry of various Albizia species revealed various kinds of secondary metabolites, including saponins, terpenes, alkaloids, and flavonoids. Triterpenoid saponins (julibroside J29, julibroside J30, julibroside J31), novel macrocyclic alkaloids (budmunchiamines A, B, and C), and two flavonol glycosides (quercitrin and isoquercitrin) were some bioactive compounds isolated and identified from the genus Albizia. These compounds demonstrated various biological activities, including antitumor, and antiplatelet Anthraquinone glycosides, which cause the leaking of cytoplasmic components, were the anthraquinone elements of A. lebbeck bark extract that were active.

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