Wine: Classification, Red Wine, White Wine, Pink Wine, and Wine Making Technology
Any drink that has ethanol in it is considered to be alcoholic. Beers, wines, and spirits distilled beverages including Whiskey, Rum, Gin, and Vodka are separated into three broad categories for taxation and manufacturing control.
Beer is created through the fermentation of starch with the addition of yeast and malted cereal starch, particularly barley, corn, rye, wheat, or a blend of various grains. Hops are typically used to add flavour to the beer. It has an alcohol content of 4–8% and 100 mL of it has between 28 and 73 kcal. Distilling ethanol from the fermentation of grains, fruits, or vegetables produces distilled alcoholic beverages. They are manufactured from fermented cereal and potato mashes, sugarcane juice, molasses, and barley and rye malt. Distilled alcoholic beverages typically contain between 40% and 60% alcohol.
Wine: Classification, Red Wine, White Wine, Pink Wine, and Wine Making Technology Read More »