Snake Plant (mother-in-law’s tongue,): Introduction, Classification, Taxonomy, Distribution, Morphological Characters, Phytochemistry, and  Uses

Dracaena trifasciata belonging to the family Asparagaceae, is a perennial herb, native to tropical West Africa, but widely grown as an ornamental plant in houses, gardens and thickets in many parts of the world. The plant is commonly known as mother-in-law’s tongue, snake plant, viper’s bowstring hemp or Saint George’s sword, because of the shape and sharp margins of its leaves that resemble snakes. It is also known as the “viper’s bowstring hemp” because it is one of the sources of plant fibres used to make bowstrings.

Snake Plant (mother-in-law’s tongue,): Introduction, Classification, Taxonomy, Distribution, Morphological Characters, Phytochemistry, and  Uses Read More »

Monozygotic Twins: Are they Identical?

Merry and Sherry were confused for each other from the day of their birth until they were children, teenagers, and adults. Merry is mistakenly named Sherry almost half the time when they are separated, and Sherry is mistakenly called Merry just as frequently. Even their parents can tell them apart. Since Merry and Sherry were both born from a single fertilized egg, they are monozygotic, or identical, twins. When the embryo split into two cell masses at an early cleavage stage, both cell masses grew into full embryos normally. On April 7, 1955, one infant was called Merry, and the other Sherry.

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Study Pollen Germination On A Slide

A nutrition solution must be prepared in the initial stage. To do this, 10g of sugar and 10mg of boric acid are dissolved in 100ml of water. Drops of this solution should be applied on the cavity slide. Then, use a brush or fingers to gently dust a few pollen grains from the stamen of mature flowers. Let the slide set for 5 mins. Then, use the microscope to view the slides in 30-minute intervals.

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Multi –Drug-Resistant Bacteria: A Ticking Timebomb

How serious a threat does the evolution of MDR bacteria pose to human health? Dr. Lee Reichman, on of the world’s leading expert on TB, has reffered to MDR-M, TUBERCULOSIS as a “timebomb”. World, 2 billion people (15 million in the United states) are infected with latent M.tuberculosis. Of these, 8.4 million develop active TB and 2 million die every year. Most of these cases of TB are currently treatable with antibiotics. However, imagine the enormity of the crisis if MDR-M. tuberculosis becomes widespread. Should we begin taking steps to avoid such crisis now –before the “timebomb” explodes?

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                A Walk by the Lake

Within the cities of this society, the lakes and their environs changed. Parks sprang up around the lakes, providing places for recreation, Today, people come to the lakes to swim, cycle, skate or jog. Many come simply to walk. In the city of Minneapolis, for example, all sorts of people can be seen strolling by Lake Harriet on a warm summer evening. Some are descended from the native people who settled in this area when the ice sheets melted. Others are described as African, Asian, European, or South American immigrants. These ethnic groups are differentiated by many physical traits- stature, body build, head shape, facial structure, skin colour and hair texture to name just a few. Within ethnic groups, however, people are more similar and within families, they may even look alike.

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10 Ways To Keep Your Mind Sharp

Believe in yourself: Age-related myths may be a factor in memory loss. Older and middle-aged students perform better on memory tests when they are exposed to positive messages about memory preservation into old age, and worse when they are exposed to negative preconceptions about aging and memory. Cognitive decline is more likely to occur in those who feel they have no control over their memory function—perhaps because they joke about “senior moments” too frequently. These people are also less inclined to try to preserve or enhance their memory abilities. Maintaining mental acuity is more likely if you think you can get better and put that idea into action.

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Key regarding What should be put in Shaala Shiddhi Domains

Our continuous improvement plan for the 2022–2023 academic year focuses on three key areas: frequent professional development for teachers, encouraging a culture of data-driven decision-making, and increasing student engagement through creative teaching techniques. Incorporating technology, guaranteeing fair access for every student, and enhancing relationships with parents and the community will also be top priorities.

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