Noise Pollution: Definition, Causes, and Control

Noise Pollution; Definition,

Noise is an undesirable sound. It has appeared as urban pollution. Sound level meter, noise dosimeter, and frequency analyzer are the gadgets typically used for measuring the total intensity of noise. The permissible noise levels in db (decibels) are dependent upon the time of exposure. 80 db of noise for 8 hours a day is stated to be tolerable. Increased db levels or extended exposures are recognized to affect human beings. High-frequency noise is known to increase tension, regulate respiration patterns, cause fatigue, and also bring about a shift in the minimum threshold of hearing. In a few instances, it can cause deafness too.

Noise Traffic Anger

People living around busy aerodromes are mentioned to have excessive blood cholesterol and increased WBC counts. Industrial people exposed to noise levels of more than 100db, monitor the tendency of decreased intraventricular conductivity besides hypertension.


Pollution because of nuclear fallout and waste disposal: Nuclear fallout, a supply of environmental radiation consists of airborne radioactive substances resulting from accidents at nuclear power plants, the checking out of nuclear weapons, and other atmospheric sources. The primary source of radioactive waste is nuclear energy plants. Other sources consist of nuclear weapons, scientific and medical laboratories.

Noise by Road Construction

Radioactive wastes are categorized as high level, intermediate level, and low level, depending on the quantity and form of radioactivity. They emit and the way lengthy the damaging radiations persists.

Low-level wastes consist of a variety of substances that are generated in the normal operation of a nuclear reactor, inclusive of mildly contaminated clothing and equipment (solid wastes), cooling water, and airflow exhausts. The release of water used as a coolant can also cause thermal pollution in the receiving water body.

Low-level solid wastes are usually put in metal canisters and buried in shallow disposal pits. Intermediate stage wastes are wasted with the degree of radioactivity that is too high to permit release directly into the surrounding that is either chemically processed or held on-site their radioactivity has dissipated for them to be disposed of as low–level wastes.

High-level wastes: Among the waste products of particular concern are plutonium-239 which is quite poisonous and strontium-90 that acts Similar to calcium (ca) and is an alternate for it in bone structures making it exceptionally dangerous to human health.

High-level radiowaste is presently saved in water pools, big concrete bays, or underground storage tanks. These temporary storage facilities are applicable for long-term storage. For everlasting disposal radioactive wastes must be isolated from contact with the hydrosphere or biosphere for at least 10,000 years. All the alternatives for everlasting disposal currently under consideration involve immobilizing high-level waste into the most inert form possible, surrounding it with a buffer material, putting it in corrosion-resistant canisters, and disposing of the canisters in a permanent repository. Some repositories which have obtained serious concerns are outer space, underground storage sites, and ice caps.


Noise pollution can be controlled by educating people on its dangerous effects. Decibel meters may be installed in zones susceptible to noise pollution so that the public may assist in controlling noise pollution. A dense evergreen hedge can reduce noise by 10 db. Border planting of trees along highways effectively controls pollution by vehicular traffic. A 20 ft extensive plantation across the homes protects them from noise pollution.

Effect and control: Radioactive wastes are so quite radioactive that exposure to even minute portions can show fatal. The interaction of the radiation with organic tissue can cause genetic and somatic harm or even death, depending on the dose received. Exposure to radiation in small doses can cause vomiting, spontaneous abortions, temporary sterility in males, and other effects, while exposure to greater doses can be lethal. As there may be no treatment for radiation harm, all efforts must be made to save leakages from reactors, protection measures must be strictly accompanied and ordinary tracking of excessive threat regions must be undertaken.

Food Contamination: While on the subject of pollution, the elements of pollution as they contaminate food articles by acting through a food chain or a food web need to be considered. Radioactive factors would possibly locate access into the food chains and unsuspectingly man and beast devour them. Only to fall prey to a disorder. Foods raised on an excessive amount of nitrite can reason trouble.  The nitrate gets converted into nitrite and the so-formed nitrite combines with hemoglobin forming methemoglobin. Methaemoglobin cannot transport oxygen, leading to suffocation and breathing problems. Such a problem is especially felt by infants. The disorder is referred methaemo-globinema.

Pollution is an important evil and is the direct result of technology and the ever-growing population. While technology alone can resolve pollution issues brought about by industrialization, restriction of numbers of humans inhabiting this earth is something that can be brought about through education; the problem is all the more acute in developing countries coupled with low literacy. So any management of pollution must be tackled on two fronts, technological and social. 

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