Zoology: Solved Previous Year Question Paper for NCERT/ CBSE Class 12th Zoology Paper code (RKDO18 ……20304-Z) 

Zoology: Solved Previous Year Question Paper for NCERT/ CBSE Class 12th Zoology Paper code (RKDO18 ……20304-Z) 

 (Very Short Answer Type Questions) 

Question: What is the significance of “Lac” 

Answer: “Lac” is short for the genus Lactobacillus. Many species of Lactobacillus are important in food production, as they are involved in the fermentation process to produce various dairy products, such as yogurt, cheese, and kefir. These bacteria also act as probiotics, providing health benefits to the consumer. Additionally, certain species of Lactobacillus are used in biotechnology to produce lactic acid and other compounds.

Question: What do you mean by “Biosafety Issues”? 

Answer: Biosafety issues refer to any potential risks that may be posed when working with biological materials, such as microbes, viruses, or hazardous chemicals. Such risks may include potential exposure to hazardous materials, the spread of disease, or the release of genetically modified organisms into the environment. Maintaining proper safety protocols and procedures is essential to minimize the chances of any of these risks occurring.

Question: What is the significance of “Human Insulin”?

Answer: Human insulin is a form of insulin that is identical to the insulin produced by the human body. It is used to treat diabetes, a chronic condition in which the body cannot produce enough insulin or cannot use the insulin it produces effectively. Human insulin replaces the insulin the body is not producing or not using properly, helping to regulate blood sugar levels. 

Question: What do you mean by “DNA Recombinant Technology”? 

Answer: DNA recombinant technology, sometimes called genetic engineering, is a process by which the genetic material of an organism is altered by introducing foreign DNA. This technology is used to create new organisms with improved traits, such as increased disease resistance or higher yield of crops.

Question: What is DNA fingerprinting? Who developed this technique? Add a short note on the principle of DNA fingerprinting.

Answer: DNA fingerprinting, also known as DNA profiling or genetic fingerprinting, is a technique used to identify individuals based on their unique DNA sequence. It was developed by British geneticist Sir Alec Jeffreys in 1984. The principle of DNA fingerprinting relies on the fact that each individual’s genomic DNA contains variations that are unique to that individual. These variations are known as polymorphisms, and they can be used to distinguish one person from another. DNA fingerprinting is based on the analysis of these polymorphisms to create a unique “fingerprint” for an individual. This fingerprint can then be used to identify and differentiate individuals, as well as to investigate genetic relationships or to identify individuals in forensics. 

(Objective Type Questions/MCQ) 

Question: (i) Expand the terms IVF and STD.

Answer: (i) IVF: In Vitro Fertilization; STD: Sexually Transmitted Disease. 

Question: (ii) The first theory of evolution was put forward by : 

(a) August Weismann 

(b) Jean Baptiste de Lamarck 

(c) Alfred Russel Wallace 

(d) Charles Darwin 

Answer: (ii) (d) Charles Darwin

Question:  Tobacco contains a volatile alkaloid called———– 

Answer: Nicotine 

Question: (iv) Humeral Immune System is made up of B lymphocytes. (True/False)

Answer: (iv) True 

Question: (v) Retrovirus (a special type of RNA virus) is used as a vector in Gene therapy.  (Yes/No) 

Answer: (v) Yes

Question: “Charles Darwin” proposed the concept of 

(a) Modern synthetic theory 

(b) Human Genome Project 

(c) Origin of Species 

(d) None of these 

Answer: (ii) (c) Origin of Species

Question: Alcohol is a depressant/stimulant (Choose the correct one) 

 Answer: (Depressant)

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