Santalum album: Habit, Distribution, Characteristics, Phytochemical Constituents,  Aromatic and, medicinal value

1. The Santalum album Linn., often known as “Chandan” locally, is a member of the plant kingdom’s Santalaceae family.
2. The genus Santalum, which is in the family Santalaceae, is home to the most widely recognized and commonly used fragrant tree known as the sandalwood tree.
3. The term sandalwood alone indicates that it is a woody tree. The tree is also referred to as a white sandal tree in English and is traded as East Indian sandalwood. It is listed as a plant species that is vulnerable (IUCN 2000).
4. A small to medium-sized tree with opposite leaves, axillary or terminal hermaphrodite blooms, a trichotomous panniculate cymose inflorescence, and small globose fruiting berries, the Santalum album is evergreen, glabrous, and semi-parasitic.
5. The heartwood is yellowish in colour and fragrant, whereas the sapwood is white and odourless.

Santalum album: Habit, Distribution, Characteristics, Phytochemical Constituents,  Aromatic and, medicinal value Read More »