CELLULAR RESPIRATION: Definition, Types, Combustion vs. Respiration, ATP and cells

Combustion vs. respiration
Combustion (the burning of coal and other fuels) is an oxidative process, but it is not the same as respiration. Oxidation/chemical burning is used in both procedures. Combustion, like the burning of fuels and firewood, is a non-enzymatic, uncontrolled process. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is not made. In an uncontrolled manner, energy is released as heat and light.
Respiration is a well-regulated biochemical activity that is conducted by enzymes and is a key feature of living cells. The energy is stored as a biomolecule (ATP), which releases it as needed by the cell.

CELLULAR RESPIRATION: Definition, Types, Combustion vs. Respiration, ATP and cells Read More »