
HOW DO ORGANISMS REPRODUCE: Short Answer Type Questions Class 10th Chapter 10 JKBOSE/NCERT

Name two unisexual and two bisexual flowers.
Ans: Two examples of unisexual flowers are:
Papaya: It has separate male and female flowers on different plants.
Watermelon: It also has separate male and female flowers on different plants.
Two examples of bisexual flowers are:
Rose: It has both male stamens and female pistils within the same flower.
Sunflower: It also has both male and female reproductive structures within the same flower.

HOW DO ORGANISMS REPRODUCE: Short Answer Type Questions Class 10th Chapter 10 JKBOSE/NCERT Read More »

Hydra: Classification, Occurrence, External Morphology, Budding, and Regeneration

Question: Explain the process of Regeneration in Hydra?
ANS: The ability of the hydra to regenerate lost body parts is one of its most interesting characteristics. When a hydra polyp is divided into two pieces, the headpiece regenerates the missing foot, while the foot regenerates the lost head. In hydra, this process does not necessitate growth (an increase in cell counts), at least in the early stages; it is hence called’morphallaxis,’ as a contrast to epimorphosis, which occurs in amphibian limb and tail regeneration and necessitates growth. As a result, the regenerated polyp is smaller than the original. Except for the tentacles and the basal disc, almost every portion of the hydra’s body is capable of regeneration to some degree.
A hydra cell pellet can regenerate into a polyp. When a hydra is cut into three pieces, the central portion, which is missing both the head and the foot, regenerates a new head and foot on the sides where the original head and foot were. This implies that information exists in the cells of the centre component that directs the regeneration of lost portions in the original orientation.

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