Khaya anthotheca: Origin, Classification, Characteristics, and Uses
Khaya anthotheca, a member of the Meliaceae family, has six species, four of which are found in equatorial Africa and two each in Madagascar and the Comores (Wiselius, 1998). The paripinnate leaves and mostly spherical, 4-5 valved, dehiscent woody capsules of this genus make it simple to identify. Numerous trial plantations in Indonesia and Peninsular Malaysia introduced Khaya members (Wiselius, 1998). Khaya species are tall, with cylindric boles, and are naturally fast-growing. It is virtually always grown in homesteads across Bangladesh, primarily in the country’s southwestern regions. It was impossible to identify due to a paucity of fruiting and flowering plants. Its flowering and fruiting specimens were taken from Jessore in 2009.
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