Alcoholic Beverages: Barley Beers, Pilsener Beer, Munich Beer, Ale, and Porter
Barley Beers
The Latin word bibere, which means to drink, is where the term “beer” originates. Brewing is the procedure used to create beer. Ancient Egyptians are known to have brewed beer from barley as far back as 4,000 years ago, but research indicates that they may have learned the skill from inhabitants of the Tigris and Euphrates, the alleged birthplace of human civilisation. However, the use of hops dates back to a few hundred years and is far more recent.
Top-fermented and bottom-fermented beers are the two main categories into which barley beers can be split. The difference is based on whether the yeast settles to the bottom of the brew (beers that are bottom-fermented) or stays on top of the brew (beers that are top-fermented).
Alcoholic Beverages: Barley Beers, Pilsener Beer, Munich Beer, Ale, and Porter Read More »