
Common Cold: Definition, Causes, Symptoms, and  Prevention Suggestions

Hands should be washed with soap and water before eating. Between handwashings, Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can be utilized.
Soiled tissues should be discarded. Clean your personal space (desk, phone, remote, keyboard, mouse, bathroom sink, doorknobs, and light switch plates) with antiseptic wipes (Lysol® or Clorox®). Change your pillowcases and bedsheets at least once a week, preferably in hot water.

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Puberty: Human Males and Females

Disorders of Female Reproductive system
Some of the few disorders of the Female Reproductive system are as
i.Sterility: Inability of the females to conceive due to inadequacy in structure or function of the genital organs.
ii. Menstrual Irregularity: this may be amenorrhoea (absence of menstruation) excessive or prolonged bleeding of the uterus (hypermenorrhoea) or dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation).
iii. Breast cancer: Usually affects women over the age of 30. Its incidence increases after women attain menopause. Once detected, the standard treatment involves removal of the breast (mastectomy)
iv. Ovarian cysts: these are fluid-filled tumors of the ovary. Sometimes during pregmancy, such cysts rupture and regress. In old women, ovarian cysts are surgically removed.
v.Cervical cancer: It is a relatively slow-growing cancer. It can be treated with radiation or surgery if it has been detected.

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