May 2023

GENETICS AND HEREDITY: Objective/Multiple Choice Type Questions Class 10th CHAPTER 14 JKBOSE/NCERT

Question . A cross between a tall plant (TT) and a short plant (tt) resulted in progeny that was all tall plants as
(a) Tallness is the dominant trait. (b) Shortness is the dominant trait. (c) Tallness is a recessive trait. (d) The height of the plant is not governed by the gene T or t.
Ans: (a) Tallness is the dominant trait.

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OUR ENVIRONMENT: OBJECTIVE/MULTIPLE CHOICE TYPE QUESTIONS for Class 10th Chapter 10 JKBOSE/NCERT OBJECTIVE/MULTIPLE CHOICE TYPE QUESTIONS QUESTION 1: The term Ecosystem was introduced by: (a) Miller (b) Haldane (c ) Tansley (d) Darwin Ans: (c) Tansley QUESTION 2. In a food chain, there are: (a) Bidirectional flow of energy. (b) Zig-zag flow of energy. (c)


OUR ENVIRONMENT: Short Answer Type Questions for Class 10th Chapter 10 JKBOSE/NCERT

Expand the term CFCs
Ans: CFCs stand for chlorofluorocarbons, which are synthetic compounds containing chlorine, fluorine, and carbon. They were commonly used in various industrial applications, including aerosols, refrigerants, and foam-blowing agents. CFCs are known to deplete the ozone layer and have been largely phased out under the Montreal Protocol due to their harmful environmental effects.

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OUR ENVIRONMENT: Short Answer Type Questions for Class 10th Chapter 10 JKBOSE/NCERT

Give any two ways in which biodegradable substances would affect the environment.
Ans: Two ways in which biodegradable substances can affect the environment are:
Nutrient Cycling: Biodegradable substances, when decomposed by microorganisms, contribute to the recycling of nutrients in ecosystems. This nutrient cycling helps maintain the fertility of the soil, promotes plant growth, and supports the overall health and functioning of ecosystems.
Soil Improvement: Biodegradable substances, such as organic waste or compost, can be used to improve soil quality. When added to the soil, these substances enhance its structure, water-holding capacity, and nutrient content. They promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms, improve soil fertility, and support sustainable agricultural practices.

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Ricinus communis: Scientific classification, Origin, Discovery, Description and Uses

The castor bean or castor oil plant, Ricinus communis, is a species of perennial flowering plant in the Euphorbiaceae (spurge) family. Ricinus communis, also known as the “palm of Christ,” is a member of the Euphorbiaceae family and is also known by the names Jada (Oriya), Verenda (Bengali), Endi (Hindi), Errandi (Marathi), and Diveli (Gujarati).

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OUR ENVIRONMENT: Long Answer Type Question for Class 10th Chapter 10 JKBOSE/NCERT

Recycling: Recycling involves collecting and processing waste materials to create new products. By participating in recycling programs, you can ensure that materials such as paper, plastic, glass, and metals are diverted from landfills and undergo processes to be transformed into new usable items. Separating recyclable waste from non-recyclable waste and supporting recycling initiatives helps conserve resources, reduce energy consumption, and decrease the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.
Composting: Composting is a natural process that decomposes organic waste, such as food scraps, yard trimmings, and other biodegradable materials, into nutrient-rich compost. By composting these materials instead of disposing of them as waste, you can produce a valuable soil amendment that enriches the soil and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. Composting can be done at home or through community composting programs, contributing to waste reduction and promoting sustainable gardening practices.

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HOW DO ORGANISMS REPRODUCE: Long Answer Type Question Class 10th Chapter 10 JKBOSE/NCERT

Explain the male reproductive system.
Answer: The male reproductive system consists of the following structures:
1. Testes: The testes are the primary male reproductive organs responsible for producing sperm and testosterone.
2. Epididymis: The epididymis is a coiled tube located on the surface of each testis. It is responsible for storing and maturing sperm.
3. Vas Deferens: The vas deferens is a muscular tube that carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra.
4. Seminal Vesicles, Prostate Gland, and Bulbourethral Glands: These glands secrete fluids that combine with sperm to form semen.
5. Urethra: The urethra is a tube that serves both the reproductive and urinary systems. It carries urine from the bladder and semen from the reproductive organs.
6. Penis: The penis is the external male reproductive organ. It delivers sperm into the female reproductive tract during sexual intercourse.

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HOW DO ORGANISMS REPRODUCE: Short Answer Type Questions Class 10th Chapter 10 JKBOSE/NCERT

HOW DO ORGANISMS REPRODUCE: Short Answer Type Questions Class 10th Chapter 10 JKBOSE/NCERT Short Answer Type Questions Question 1. List and explain in brief three methods of contraception. Ans: Three methods of contraception: a) Barrier Methods: Barrier methods of contraception involve the use of physical barriers to prevent sperm from reaching the egg. Examples include

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HOW DO ORGANISMS REPRODUCE: Short Answer Type Questions Class 10th Chapter 10 JKBOSE/NCERT

Name two unisexual and two bisexual flowers.
Ans: Two examples of unisexual flowers are:
Papaya: It has separate male and female flowers on different plants.
Watermelon: It also has separate male and female flowers on different plants.
Two examples of bisexual flowers are:
Rose: It has both male stamens and female pistils within the same flower.
Sunflower: It also has both male and female reproductive structures within the same flower.

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