January 2023

Botany: Previous Year Question Paper for   NCERT/ CBSE  Class 12th Botany

Characteristics of the genetic code
1. There are triplets of nucleotides in the genetic code. It is non-overlapping in the genetic code.
2. Commas are absent from the genetic code.
3. Degenerate genetic code.
4. Order exists in the genetic code. (5’ to 3’)
5. Codons called start and stop can be found in the genetic code.
6. An almost universal genetic code exists.

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Zinnia Plant: Introduction, Origin/history, Botany, Chemical constituents, Classification, Varieties, Diseases and Insect-Pests

There are stunning decorative plants of the genus Zinnia. The aesthetic and commercial worth will be greatly enhanced by the plant’s novel bloom hues. Like chrysanthemums or sunflowers, it is not well-known. Due to its ability to be purchased as a cut flower in many different countries’ flower marketplaces, Zinnia hybrids have been bred into an excessive number of cultivars. Historically speaking, zinnia is a widely grown decorative plant. Numerous breeding organisations have developed brand-new cultivars with a variety of appealing physical traits. The difficulty in classifying zinnia cultivars is because many of the defining characteristics, such as height, bloom size, and leaf form, are qualitative and are strongly influenced by the environment. Moreover, zinnia hybrids are multiplied by seedlings. Therefore, parent cross-breeding is used to create zinnia plant seeds. In that case, cultivar conservation is challenging. Additionally, one form of propagation technology called in vitro culture offers rapid observation of genetic diversity and plant multiplication. Because there is little information on zinnia cultured in vitro, the conditions needed for doing so were established.

Zinnia Plant: Introduction, Origin/history, Botany, Chemical constituents, Classification, Varieties, Diseases and Insect-Pests Read More »

Ecological Pyramids: Definition, Types, Importance, Limitations, Bioenergy and Frequently Asked Questions

Fuel that comes either directly or indirectly from biological sources is known as bioenergy. Trees, corn, rice hulls, peanut shells, sugar cane, grass clippings, leaves, manure, and municipal solid waste are examples of organic material that is used as a source of biomass energy. In underdeveloped nations, biomass energy from sources like wood, agricultural waste (also known as bagasse), and manure is still the predominant energy source. For instance, countless woodstoves are utilised in these areas to generate heat for cooking or heating buildings. The anticipated yearly global production of plant biomass is 2740 Quads (1 Quad = lOI6 BTUs), which is eight times the estimated annual global energy consumption of 340 Quads [I]. As a result, biomass is a sizable source of renewable energy. Biomass may provide a significant amount of the world’s energy through short-rotation forestry, improvements in harvesting and processing methods, and more efficient stoves and boilers. Economic gains are anticipated as biomass power technology [Z] and energy crops become more widely used and generate new employment, especially for rural communities.

Ecological Pyramids: Definition, Types, Importance, Limitations, Bioenergy and Frequently Asked Questions Read More »

The Best Morning Assembly Anchoring Script: Welcome Speech for School Assembly, Thought For The Day, G.K Questions, Science fact, News, Speech, Inviting the Principal to Say a Few Words

Greeting to School Assembly
When everyone has assembled in the assembly hall, including teachers, administrators, and students, a morning school assembly can begin. The anchor may direct the students if the crowd is disorderly and disorganised by saying: “I would advise the kids to please stand in a line and keep silent. The morning meeting will start in a moment. Many thanks.
The anchor may open the show with a quote, a famous passage, or a brief, poignant poem to grab everyone’s attention after everyone has arrived and it is time to begin. Below are a few quotations that you can include in your script:
It’s crucial to extend a warm welcome to everyone at this point. Greetings and a hearty good morning to our esteemed Principal Sir or Ma’am, our cherished teachers, staff members, and of course, my dear schoolmates. I am [your name] from class [x], and I will serve as your assembly’s anchor today. Today is Day —- and the date is ———-, Year —-. We shall begin this lovely day by praying like we always do. Please stand upright, clasp your hands together, and close your eyes. So let’s get started. – [Reciting the prayer. “

The Best Morning Assembly Anchoring Script: Welcome Speech for School Assembly, Thought For The Day, G.K Questions, Science fact, News, Speech, Inviting the Principal to Say a Few Words Read More »

Probiotics: Introduction, Types, Characteristics, Mechanism of action, and Current Status of Probiotics in India

The term probiotic was derived from the Greek word, meaning for life. Kollath initially coined this term in 1953. Probiotics have been around for a very long time. Human ingestion of fermented milk is credited as the origin of the probiotic. Probiotics then gained popularity in animal nutrition. Even in the Vedic era, the importance of fermented milk in the human diet was understood. Microbiologists discovered in the late 19th century that the microflora in the gastrointestinal tracts of healthy people differed from that found in sick people. The pioneering work of Metchnikoff from the Pasteur Institute in the early 1900s can be credited with the initial detection of the beneficial role of these bacteria. To replace dangerous microorganisms with helpful ones, he advised giving these helpful bacteria a cold. Metchnikoff looked into the extraordinary number of Bulgarians who reach their 100th birthday. He claimed that a bacteria in the popular Bulgarian yoghurt was responsible for their good health and longevity, and he called the yoghurt-culturing microbe Lactobacillus Bulgaricus in honour of the Bulgarian people.

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Human Microbiome: Definition, Effect on Health, Examples, Human Microbiome Project, and Importance

The microbiome of an individual may affect their propensity to contract infectious diseases and play a role in chronic gastrointestinal conditions including Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome. The way a person reacts to pharmacological therapy is determined by certain assemblages of microorganisms. The mother’s microbiome may have an impact on her children’s health. Researchers who are analysing the human microbiome are finding new species and genes. Numerous combinations of microbe species have been related to specific human health issues in genetic studies that assess the relative abundance of diverse species in the human microbiome. A deeper comprehension of the variety of microbes found in the human microbiome may result in innovative treatments, such as growing more “good” bacteria to treat an infection brought on by “bad” bacteria. The HMP acts as a guide for figuring out how the microbiome affects immunity, disease, nutrition, and overall health.

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Plant Breeding: Definition, Experiments, Aims, varieties and steps in Plant breeding

Plant breeding is the practice of modifying a plant’s genetic composition to achieve desired traits. Genetic engineering, cross-breeding, and selective breeding are used to accomplish this. Plant breeders work to create plants with desirable characteristics, such as increased nutritional value, disease resistance, drought tolerance, or higher production.

Plant Breeding: Definition, Experiments, Aims, varieties and steps in Plant breeding Read More »