15 Animals that have the shortest lifespans
1. Mayfly– (24 hours) The mayfly has the shortest lifespan of any known insect, living for only 24 hours.

2. House Mouse – (2-3 years) House mice have a lifespan of about one to three years.

3. Hummingbird – (3-5) Hummingbirds have a lifespan of three to five years.

4. Hamster – (2-3 years) Hamsters typically live for two to three years.
5. Goldfish – (10 years) Goldfish can live up to 10 years, however, the average lifespan is two to three years.

6. Cockroach – (1 year) Cockroaches usually live for up to one year.

7. Praying Mantis– (1-2 years) Praying mantises usually live for one to two years.

8. Fruit Fly – (8-10 days) Fruit flies live for only eight to ten days.
9. African Dwarf Frog – (2-3 years) African dwarf frogs have a lifespan of two to three years.
10. Axolotl – (3-5 years) Axolotls typically live for three to five years.
11. Honey Bee – (4-6 weeks) Honey bees live for about four to six weeks.
12. Stick Insect – (1-2 years) Stick insects have an average lifespan of one to two years.
13. Drosophila –(2-3 weeks) Drosophila live for about two to three weeks.
14. Sea Urchin – (2-3 years) Sea urchins usually live for two to three years.
15. Parrotlet – (5-8 years) Parrotlets usually live for about five to eight years.