Cock’s comb plant: Introduction, Classification, History, Description, Cultivation, Phytochemical Constituents, Traditional Uses, and Pharmacological Action
A member of the genus Celosia, Celosia cristata [Celosia in Greek means burning] is also known as cockscomb because the blossom resembles the head of a rooster (cock). China refers to it as Chi Kuan. It is a member of the family Amaranthaceae, class Magnoliopsida, and order Caryophyllales. Many members of this family of plants are valued as ornamental plants because of their eye-catching inflorescences. Numerous medical features of the plant with promising activity are also known, in addition to its growing landscape. The plant with a strong medicinal effect is mentioned in Chinese herbal treatments as well as Indian Ayurveda. Commonly known as cockscomb, this plant is used to treat a variety of conditions, including hematemesis, abnormal uterine bleeding, hematochezia, hemorrhoidal bleeding, leukorrhea, chronic dysentery with persistent diarrhoea, redness of the eye and dizziness caused by excessive heat or fire in the liver, nebula with blurred vision, and more. The decoction of the entire herb is the best approach to using the plant for therapy according to conventional practice. Some people compare the Cockscomb blossoms’ dense, velvety texture to brain matter. The plume kinds are planted more frequently because of their fluffier, lighter, airier texture that blows freely in a breeze.