JKBOSE SOCIAL SCIENCE: Solved Model Question Paper for Class 10TH SOCIAL SCIENCE NCERT (2023)

JKBOSE SOCIAL SCIENCE: Solved Model Question Paper for Class 10TH SOCIAL SCIENCE NCERT (2023)


Question 1: Which incident contributed to the withdrawal of the Non-Cooperation movement?

A. Jallianwalla Bagh’Massacre

B. Chauri-Chaura Incident

C. Visit of Prince of Wales

D Lathi Charge at Lahore

Answer: B. Chauri-Chaura Incident

Question 2: What is the full form of RTO (Source: Road Safety?

Answer: Regional Transport Office

Question 3: Big Landed Estates Abolition Act was passed in

A. 1930.

B. 1940

C. 1950O

D. 1960.

Answer: C. 1950

Questions 4: —————-was the literary journal of Cultural Congress.

Answer: Kavita

Questions: 5. ————–was one of the progressive poets of Kashmiri who wrote “Bormber Te Yemberzal’

Answer: Mahjoor

Questions: 6. Which of the following is not correct about manufacturing industries?

A. Manufacturing Manufacturing Industries help in modernizing agriculture.

B. agriculture income Industries by reducing the heavy dependence of people on providing job

C. Helps in the eradication of unemployment & poverty.

D. Helps in bringing down religious disparities.

Answer: D. Helps in bringing down religious disparities.

Question: 7. Which one of the following industries uses bauxite as a raw material?

 A. Aluminum Smelting

B. Cement

C. Paper

D. Steel

Answer: A. Aluminum Smelting

Questions: 8. The Jammu & Kashmir reorganization Act 2019 came into effect on—————

Answer: 31 October 2019.

Questions: 9. The UT of Ladakh comes under the jurisdiction of;———

Answer: The Union Territory of Ladakh comes under the jurisdiction of the Government of India.

Questions: 10. Hari Parbat is situated in

A: Budgam

 B: Srinagar.’:

C: Ananulas

D. Baramullah

Answer: B: Srinagar.

Questions: 11. Full form. of GDP is——————–

Answer: Gross Domestic Product

                             SECTION B


Question: 1: Give two examples from history to show the impact of science and Technology on food availability,


1. The Green Revolution, which began in the 1940s, was the widespread introduction of new crop varieties and farming methods that significantly increased food production in many parts of the world. This revolution was driven by advances in science and technology, such as the development of pesticides and fertilizers.

2. The invention of refrigeration in the early 1900s allowed for the safe storage and transportation of food, which increased the availability of produce from distant regions. This development allowed for a greater variety of food to be consumed, and improved food security for many people.

Question: 2. Way did industrial production in India increase during the First World War?

Answer: Industrial production in India increased during the First World War due to the increasing demand for raw materials and manufactured goods from the Allied Powers. The British government began to purchase large quantities of raw materials and finished goods from Indian manufacturers, which increased the demand for Indian goods and services. This in turn led to a rise in industrial production in India. Additionally, the war also led to a boom in agricultural production, which further boosted the economy and industrial production.

Question: 3. Why Gandhiji decided to withdraw Non-Cooperation Movement? (Mention any three reasons)


1. Chauri Chaura Incident: On 5th February 1922 a mob of 2000 villagers attacked and set fire to a police station in Chauri Chaura, Uttar Pradesh. 22 policemen were burnt alive in this incident. Gandhiji was shocked by this incident and withdrew from the non-cooperation movement.

2. Increasing Violence: During the movement, there were several instances of violence and lawlessness. This made Gandhiji realize that members of the movement had gone out of control and were engaging in violent activities. Hence, he decided to withdraw from the non-cooperation movement.

3. Lack of Support: The movement lacked popular support from the people. Many people did not participate in the movement and some even opposed it. This led to a lack of enthusiasm for the movement and ultimately Gandhiji decided to withdraw it.

Question: 4. What were the impacts of the Great Depression on the Indian economy?

Answer: The Great Depression had a devastating effect on the Indian economy, with a significant decline in agricultural and industrial output, as well as a huge reduction in foreign trade. Unemployment and poverty levels increased, and the cost of living rose rapidly. The Indian government was forced to cut spending, resulting in a decrease in public investment in infrastructure and social services. In addition, the Indian rupee was devalued, reducing its purchasing power. The Great Depression also caused a sharp decline in the prices of Indian exports, further reducing the incomes of the Indian population.

Question: 5. Why did some Industrialists in nineteenth-century Europe prefer hand labour over machines?

Answer: Some industrialists in nineteenth-century Europe preferred hand labour over machines because they did not want to invest in costly machinery, or because they were unfamiliar with the technology and were more comfortable relying on traditional methods. Additionally, hand labour was more reliable and flexible than machines, and it was easier to adjust production according to the fluctuating demands of the market. Additionally, there were ethical considerations, as some industrialists preferred to avoid the displacement of workers and feared the potential dehumanization of working conditions.

Question: 6. Distinguish between Kharif and Rabi crops

Answer: Kharif crops: Kharif crops are those that are sown at the beginning of the monsoon season and are harvested in the late autumn. They include crops such as rice, maize, jowar, bajra, tur, soyabean, groundnut, cotton, jute, sugarcane, etc.

Rabi crops: Rabi crops are those that are sown in late autumn and are harvested in the early summer. They include crops such as wheat, barley, gram, peas, mustard, linseed, etc.

Question: 7. why do you think that solar energy has ä bright future in India?

Answer: India is the third-largest producer of electricity in the world, but it has a very large energy deficit due to its large population and inadequate power infrastructure. Solar energy has a bright future in India because it is a clean, renewable, and abundant energy source. Solar energy is also relatively inexpensive, and India is investing heavily in solar energy projects to help meet its energy needs. The Indian government is also promoting solar energy by offering incentives and subsidies, making it an attractive option for businesses and households. Additionally, India is located in an ideal geographic location, with plenty of sunshine and strong solar radiation levels, making it ideal for the development of solar energy projects.

Question: 8. What is the status of women’s representation in India’s legislative bodies?

Answer: Women’s representation in India’s legislative bodies is still relatively low, with only 11.8% of seats in the Lower House of Parliament and 11.3% in the Upper House occupied by women. This is compared to the global average of 24.3%. However, India has taken steps to increase women’s representation, such as the Women’s Reservation Bill, which aims to reserve one-third of all seats in the Parliament and state legislatures for women.

Question 9: What is the role of the service sector; in the economic development of the erstwhile state of the state

Answer: The service sector plays a vital role in the economic development of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir. It employs a large section of the population and contributes significantly to the state’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The service sector includes activities such as tourism, transport, banking, financial services, communication, IT, education, healthcare, entertainment, hospitality, and retail. These services play a crucial role in the development of the state’s economy as they are involved in the production and distribution of goods and services, contribute to the inflow of foreign exchange, and generate employment. Additionally, the service sector can help promote and sustain economic growth in the region, as well as provide a platform for the development of new industries and businesses.

Questions: 10. Imagine your neighbour’s house is on fire. What will you do to rescue the family and their belongings?

Answer: I would first call 911 to alert the fire department and then help my neighbours evacuate their homes. I would also try to help them save any valuable items or belongings by carrying them outside if it is safe and possible to do so. I would also try to keep them calm and help them with any tasks that might help the situation.

                                             SECTION C

                          LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS

Question: 1. Write the main features of the Motor, Vehicle (Amendment) Bill,2016

Answer: The Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Bill, of 2016 seeks to bring about far-reaching changes in the Motor Vehicle Act, of 1988. The main features of the Bill are as follows:

1. Higher penalties for violation of traffic rules: The Bill proposes to increase the penalty for certain offences such as dangerous driving, driving without a license, etc. For instance, the fine for driving without a license is proposed to be increased from Rs. 500 to Rs. 5,000.

2. Compulsory insurance for passengers in public transport vehicles: The Bill also proposes to make it mandatory for operators of public transport vehicles to purchase insurance for passengers.

3. Creation of a National Road Safety Board: The Bill seeks to establish a National Road Safety Board at the central level to advise the central government on road safety and traffic management.

4. Guidelines for taxi aggregators: The Bill proposes to provide guidelines for taxi aggregators such as Uber and Ola. These guidelines would include registration, background verification of drivers, fares, etc.

5. Establishment of State Road Safety Councils: The Bill seeks to establish a State Road Safety Council in each state. The Council would be responsible for recommending measures to promote road safety and regulate traffic in the state.

Question: 2. Expläin what is meant by the 1848 revolution, of the liberals. What were the political, social and economic ideas supported by the liberals?

Answer: The 1848 Revolution of the Liberals was a series of uprisings and protests across Europe during the spring and summer of 1848 that sought to bring about a liberal revolution in each country. The political ideas of the liberals were based on the principles of democracy and constitutionalism, with a focus on individual rights and freedoms, popular sovereignty, and separation of powers. Socially, the liberals supported the idea of a meritocracy, with open access to education and the right to work, as well as the emancipation of all social classes. Economically, the liberals wanted to reduce government intervention and free up the economy, advocating for free trade, deregulation, and the repeal of feudal rights.

Question: 3. The history of nationalism in Britain was unlike the rest of Europe. Explain how

Answer: The history of nationalism in Britain was unlike the rest of Europe in that it was largely defined by its long-standing commitment to unionism and the idea of a single British identity. The concept of British nationalism was born out of the 17th-century Glorious Revolution and its aftermath when the idea of a unified British nation began to take shape. Britain’s history of unionism was further cemented by the Act of Union in 1707, which saw the merger of the kingdoms of England and Scotland. This union, along with the later Acts of Union uniting England, Wales, and Ireland, created a strong sense of British identity, something that was distinct from the various forms of European nationalism that took shape in the 18th and 19th centuries. As a result, British nationalism has often been described as more of a civic nationalism that is based on shared values and practices, rather than an ethnic or cultural nationalism.

Question: 4: Explain the land use pattern in India. Why has the land under forest not increased much since 1960-61?

Answer: The land use pattern in India has been changing over the years. In 2019, the total geographical area of India was 328.7 million hectares (Mha), of which the total utilizable area was 299.3 Mha. The land use pattern in India can be categorised into five major land use classes: cultivated area (net sown area and other land use); fallow land; forest and tree cover; land not available for cultivation; and other land use. Agriculture remains the dominant land use in India and accounts for nearly 54% of the total geographical area. Since 1960-61, the land under forest cover has not increased significantly due to several factors. These include increasing population, commercial activities, and deforestation for development projects. The expansion of agricultural land has also contributed to the decrease in forest cover. In addition, the growing demand for fuelwood, fodder and other forest products has resulted in pressure on the existing forest cover. The lack of suitable policies to incentivize and promote afforestation and reforestation activities has further aggravated the situation.

Question: 5. What are the different forms of power sharing in modern democracies? Give an example of each of these.

Answer: The different forms of power sharing in modern democracies include:

1. Separation of Powers: This form of power-sharing involves dividing the powers of the government into three distinct branches – Legislative, Executive and Judicial – with each one having its authority and responsibilities. This form of power-sharing is exemplified in the United States Constitution, where Congress creates and passes laws, the President signs them into law and the Supreme Court interprets the laws.

2. Federation: This form of power-sharing involves the division of power between the central government and the sub-national governments. Federal governments typically have both a national government and state governments, with the former having authority over certain matters, such as foreign policy, and the latter having authority over other matters, such as education. The United States is an example of a federal system.

3. Devolution: This form of power-sharing involves the transfer of powers from the central government to regional or local governments. This is designed to increase the autonomy of the regional or local governments, allowing them to tailor policies to their own needs and preferences. The United Kingdom is an example of a devolved government, with the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly having authority over certain matters such as education and health.

 4. Consociationalism: This form of power-sharing involves the sharing of political power among different ethnic or religious groups in society. This is designed to ensure that minority groups are represented in government and have a say in decision-making. Belgium is an example of a consociational democracy, with Dutch-speaking Flemish and French-speaking Walloons sharing political power.

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