Ice Plant (Delosperma Cooperi): Introduction, Classification, Characteristics, and, Uses
Hardy ice plant (Delosperma), a perennial ground cover with succulent leaves and daisy-like flowers. Instead of being able to tolerate extremely cold temperatures, the ice plant is so named because its flowers and foliage appear to be sparkling with frost or ice crystals. Cooperi has striking pink flowers that pop against its succulent, scaly leaves. This low-maintenance blooming plant has an average height and breadth of 5 to 15 cm and 20 to 30 cm, respectively. It is also heat and drought-resistant.

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Caryophyllales
Family: Aizoaceae
Genus: Delosperma
Species: D. cooperi
Scientific Name: Delosperma cooperi
Common Name(s): Iceplant, Hardy ice plant, or Pink carpet,
1. South Africa is the original home of the little perennial plant Delosperma cooperi. It results in an abundant lawn covered in long-lasting flowers.
2. The plants typically grow to a height of 3 to 6 inches (7.5 to 15 cm) and a width of 2 to 4 feet (0.5 to 1 m).
3. It can reach a height of 10-15 cm (4-6 in), has a trailing stem that hangs down, and has linear, fleshy leaves that can reach a length of 1.5 inches.
4. In the event of a disturbance, these fleshy roots help the plants swiftly recover and flourish.
5. This plant’s most striking feature is its blossoms, which are produced in profusion and frequently cover the entire site in vermillion, magenta, or pink blooms, giving rise to the common term “pink carpet.”
6. The plant has ramified stems that are long, slender, and spread out, holding sheets opposed. The ends of the stems increase into several small, isolated flowers that have a diameter of between 3 and 5 cm (1 to 2 in).
7. These many persistent flowers continue to bloom from June to October.
8. The plant enjoys the sun and does well in hot, dry conditions. Although it can adapt to many different types of soil, it will suffer from water stagnation, thus it favors well-drained soils or even rocky terrain.
9. The common name “ice plant,” according to the New Mexico State University extension, is due to “their bladder-like hairs on the leaf surface that reflect and refract light in a manner that makes it look that they sparkle like ice crystals” (or tiny glass beads). However, many other varieties of succulent ground coverings, also known as “ice plants,” have smooth, hairless leaves.
How to Grow an Ice Plant
They do best in full sun, ice plants may take some mild shadow in the garden. Despite flourishing in low soils, ice plants cannot withstand moist soil because they are succulents. Plants are likely to perish in moist soil, particularly during the winter. When planting this plant, it is advisable to keep in mind that it might become invasive in locations where the soil is persistently dry. By division, cuttings, or seeds, the ice plant can be multiplied. When propagating via division, springtime is the ideal time to divide the plants. You can take cuttings at any time during the spring, summer, or fall. When starting plants from seeds, sprinkle the seeds over the soil’s top without covering them since they need light to germinate.

1. Delosperma cooperi is used to make the alcoholic wine khadi in South Africa.
2. The leaves are a key component in the manufacturing of khadi, the plant’s roots are known to be involved in the fermenting process. Claims of medical benefits are not supported by scientific research. It is well known that plant interaction during the fermentation process causes chemical components to alter, turning sugar into the extremely poisonous compound oxalic acid when consumed.
3. The plant is also used by Bantu and Europeans as a source of yeast for brewing beer.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Why is it called an ice plant?
The common name “ice plant,” according to the New Mexico State University extension, is due to “their bladder-like hairs on the leaf surface that reflect and refract light in a manner that makes it look that they sparkle like ice crystals” (or tiny glass beads).
Question: What is the benefit of an ice plant?
Ans: 1. Delosperma cooperi is used to make the alcoholic wine khadi in South Africa.
2. The plant is also used by Bantu and Europeans as a source of yeast for brewing beer.
Question: Is ice plant easy to grow?
Ans: Yes
Question: Does the ice plant spread quickly?
Ans: Yes
Question: Will ice plants choke out weeds?
Ans: Yes
Question: Are ice plants poisonous to dogs?
Ans: No
Question: Do ice plants need full sun?
Ans: Yes
Question: Is ice plant toxic to humans?
Ans: Yes
Question: Is ice plant toxic to humans?
Ans: No
Question: Do ice plants attract bees?
Ans: Yes
Question: Do ice plants attract bees?
Ans: Yes