Numerous websites have begun incorporating Google’s recently introduced No Captcha reCaptcha. It offers a superior user experience and anti-bot protection.
Most people have no idea how it operates. In this post, I’ll go over the several methods Google uses to identify bots.
Is it a check box?
Google asks users to confirm that they are not a bot by checking the box. How does a check box provide protection when even a bot can click it? It’s actually a div inside an iframe, not a check box.
In reality, it generates a virtual checkbox within the iframe, which the user clicks. Within the form, Google also adds an unseen text field. Google fills in the text field with a distinct value that indicates if the user is a bot or not. Later in this post, we will examine how it detects bots.

Google servers store the text inside the text field, which is a unique value that indicates whether the text is human or bot. After the form is submitted, we must use this unique value to obtain the boolean. And then behave appropriately.
Why can’t bots emulate mouse clicks?
There is no text field integrated since the majority of bots do not run JavaScript, which prevents them from seeing the reCaptcha. By examining if a text field appears during form submission, we can identify this server-side and determine whether it is a bot or not.
JavaScript code is used by some bots. However, since the virtual checkbox is only an image and not a checkbox for them, they will not click on it.
It goes without saying that a bot created especially for a website can simulate a mouse click. This protection cannot be circumvented by just simulating a mouse click.
Google takes several other factors into account.
Factors on which Google depends to detect bots?
There are several factors besides simply clicking the imaginary checkbox. Google also uses mouse movement patterns to distinguish between humans and robots. It looks for general captcha user involvement. Additionally, it makes use of the HTTP referer, the number of requests, the bots’ IP address database, and user-time-on-page algorithms. We are still unaware of every technique Google employs to identify bots.
Google Analytics and Adsense algorithms are also used by Google’s new reCaptcha to identify bots. Google Adsense algorithms stop fraudulent ad clicks, and Google Analytics detection techniques stop bots from boosting website views.
What if it is unsure?
Google occasionally can’t tell if a human or a bot is submitting the form. In such an instance, it requests that the user validate the desktop version of the old-style captcha and the mobile version of the picture.