Caladium bicolor (Heart of Jesus): Introduction, Classification, Characteristics, Toxicity
Caladium bicolor (CB), sometimes called “Elephant ears,” “Heart of Jesus,” and “Angels wings,” is a decorative foliage plant that is cultivated from tubers. There has been evidence of an anti-diarrheal action from the aqueous extract (Olanrewaju et al., 2015). According to Odugbemi (2006), the leaves and rhizomes are used topically in Nigeria as purgatives and convulsant management techniques, as well as for boils, wounds, and ulcers.

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Alismatales
Family: Alismatales
Genus: Caladium
Species: C. bicolor
Scientific Name: Caladium bicolor
Common Name(s): Angels wings, Heart of Jesus, and Elephant ears
1. The flowering plant genus Caladium bicolor belongs to the Araceae family.
2. A species of the genus Caladium from Latin America is called Heart of Jesus and is called Caladium bicolor.
3. It is cultivated as a houseplant for its large, lance- or heart-shaped leaves with eye-catching green, white, pink, and red blotching.
4. They are known under the names Heart of Jesus, Angel wings, and Elephant ear (which they share with the genera Alocasia, Colocasia, and xanthosoma, which are closely related).
5. The shape (lance or arrowhead), size, and color (spotted or striped with pink, red, grey, or white) of the leaf are the plant’s most distinctive features, though they vary among the thousands of selections.
6. It has harmful properties due to the presence of proteinaceous toxin and water-insoluble calcium oxalate raphides, which when in contact with the lips and mouth, cause a painful burning sensation.
7. The caladium species are located in an environment that is “typically an understory tuberous herb in open regions in the forest, on creek banks, common in the areas of semi-deciduous forest.”
8. Caladium flourishes in disturbed environments and frequently populates partially shaded areas alongside roads, anywhere from close to sea level to at least 1,000 m.
9. The leaves of the wild plants typically measure 6-18 inches (15-45 cm) long and are broad, growing to a height of 15-35 inches (40-90 cm).
10. In traditional medicine, many parts of the plant have been used to treat ailments like child convulsions, facial paralysis, tumours, sore throats, toothaches, constipation, wounds, flu symptoms, and as an insecticide.
1. C. Bicolor is poisonous to people, animals, and pets because it contains calcium oxalate crystals in all parts of the plant.
2. Skin irritation could result from sap coming into contact with the skin.
3. Ingestion may induce burning and swelling of the lips, mouth, and tongue, as well as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. In addition to vomiting, etc., symptoms of caladium ingestion in pets also include drooling, pawing at the mouth or face, and decreased appetite.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Does Caladium bicolor need sunlight?
Ans: They flourish in shade to partial shade (two hours to four hours of direct sun, preferably morning sun).
Question: Do caladiums like sun or shade?
Ans: Shade
Question: Is Caladium bicolor an indoor plant?
Ans: Yes
Question: Is caladium hard to care for?
Ans: No, it will be simple to care.
Question: How often should I water the caladium?
Ans: About once a week
Question: Do caladiums do well in pots?
Ans: Yes, caladiums flourish in containers.
Question: How long do caladium bulbs last?
Ans: Around 3 years
Question: What soil is best for caladium?
Ans: Caladiums require soil that drains well and is rich in organic materials, such as composted mushrooms or finely chopped leaves.