Botany: Solved Previous Year’s Question Paper for NCERT/CBSE  Class 12th Botany Paper Code (HSEIIRKN15 6418-Y)

Botany: Solved Previous Year’s Question Paper for NCERT/CBSE  Class 12th Botany Paper Code (HSEIIRKN15 6418-Y)

Question: What are the advantages of biogas over LPG? Any Two

Ans: 1. Biogas is a renewable energy source, while LPG is a finite resource.

2. Biogas is significantly cheaper than LPG, as it can be produced from organic waste at a fraction of the cost of LPG.

3. Biogas can be produced on-site, so users do not need to rely on a centralized supply.

4. Biogas is more efficient than LPG, as it is produced from combustible material, making it easier to burn and releasing more energy.

5. Biogas is much cleaner than LPG, as it produces far fewer pollutants when burned.

6. Biogas is a much safer fuel than LPG, as it is non-toxic and does not produce explosive gases.

Question: Biofertilizers are more desirable than chemical fertilizers. Justify.

Ans: 1. Biofertilizers are more desirable than chemical fertilizers because they are natural, eco-friendly, and more sustainable.

2. Biofertilizers help to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers, which have been linked to soil and water contamination, as well as the depletion of essential soil nutrients.

3. Biofertilizers also help to increase crop yields and improve soil fertility, which can help to reduce the need for costly inputs such as chemical fertilizers.

4. Additionally, biofertilizers are more cost-effective than chemical fertilizers, as they are often available in bulk and can be easily applied to the soil with minimal effort.

5. Biofertilizers can help reduce the environmental impact of agriculture by reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that are associated with chemical fertilizer production and use.

Question: Name any two National Parks and two sanctuaries. 

Ans: National Parks:

1. Yellowstone National Park 2. Yosemite National Park


1. Kaziranga National Park  2. Keoladeo National Park

(Objective Type Questions) 

Choose the correct/most Answer

 Question: (i) Define Natality rate.

 Ans: Natality rate is the number of live births per 1,000 population in a given year. It is also known as the birth rate.

Question: (ii) Translation occurs in : 

(a) Nucleus 

(b) Cytoplasm 

(c) Both (a) and (b). 

(d) None of these 

Answer: (c) Both

Question: (iv) Water pollution is the most severe pollution problem in Kashmir. (False/True)

Ans: False

Question: (v) The breakdown of dead organic matter is carried out  by the organisms called 

Ans: Decomposers.

Question: Which Mendel’s law of inheritance is universally accepted and dies without any exception? State law with an example. 

Ans: According to Mendel’s Law of Segregation, every organism possesses two alleles for every trait, one from each parent, for every characteristic. The two alleles divide (or segregate) during the development of gametes, resulting in a gamete with a single copy of each allele. The gene for tall plants (T) in pea plants, for instance, separates from the allele for short plants (t). The T or the t allele, but not both, will be present in each gamete when it is produced.

Question: Among the hotspots of the world, list two which are located in India.

Ans: 1. Goa Beaches  2. Kashmir Valley

Question: Do you think microbes can also be used as a source of energy? If yes, how? 

Ans: Yes, microbes can serve as a source of energy. Biomass may be used by microbes to produce biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel that can replace fossil fuels.

Question: Who did discover double fertilization and in which plants? 

Ans: Botanist Julius von Sachs in 1865

(iv) Haploid culture technique was developed by ……..

Ans: Hans Spemann

 (v) The term used for live microbial food supplement is ………

Ans: Probiotics

(Long Answer Type Questions) 

Question: Define cross-pollination. Name the contrivances that favour it and describe any two of them. (Important)

Ans: (Already Published) 

Question: Describe the process of double fertilization. What is its significance? (Important) 

Ans: (Already Published) 

Question: What is multiple Allelism? Explain with the help of an example. (Important)

Ans: (Already Published) 

Question: Define genetic code Point out its characteristics. (Important) 

Ans: (Already Published) 

(Short Answer Type Questions) 

Question: Why did Mendel select garden peas for his experiments? (Important)

Ans: (Already Published) 

Question: Define tissue culture Name any three applications of tissue culture. (Important)

Ans: (Already Published) 

Question: Name the various interactions in a biotic community and describe any one of them. (Important)

Ans: (Already Published) 

Question: Suggest any three measures for controlling pollution or our lakes (Important)

Ans: (Already Published) 

(Very Short Answer Type Questions) 

Question: The following very short answer type questions of 2 marks, each may be answered in a few words or a few sentences or as may be required. 

Question: Point out the advantages of vegetative reproduction in plants (Important)

Ans: (Already Published) 

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