January 2023

Botany: Solved Previous Year’s Question Paper for   NCERT/ CBSE  Class 12th Botany Paper Code (HSEIIRKO14-1703-Z)

Mutualism is a sort of symbiotic connection in which both species gain from their association. The relationship between bees and flowers is an illustration of mutualism. The bees gather nectar from the flowers, which gives them sustenance, while the blooms gain from pollination.
Commensalism is a sort of symbiotic interaction in which one organism gains while the other is unaffected. The interaction between barnacles and whales is an illustration of commensalism. The whales are unaffected as the barnacles adhere to them and eat the food scraps they churn up while swimming.

Botany: Solved Previous Year’s Question Paper for   NCERT/ CBSE  Class 12th Botany Paper Code (HSEIIRKO14-1703-Z) Read More »

Botany: Solved Previous Year’s Question Paper for NCERT/CBSE Class 12th Botany

Question: In a Pisum sativum, the pods may be inflated (I. dominant) or constricted (i. recessive). What proportion of the offspring in the following crosses would be expected to be inflated?
(a) II x ii
(b) li x ii .
(c) II x II
Ans: (A) It would be assumed that all of the offspring would be inflated (100%).
(b) It would be assumed that 50% of the offspring would be inflated.
(c) It would be assumed that all of the offspring would be inflated (100%).

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Botany: Solved Previous Year’s Question Paper for   NCERT/ CBSE  Class 12th Botany Paper Code (SEIIKPJXII-34019-A)

Why a need is felt to conserve biodiversity?
Ans: The preservation of biodiversity is crucial for the survival of our planet and the well-being of our environment, our economy, and ourselves. Clean air, clean water, and a stable climate are all made possible by biodiversity, which is the variety of life that exists within ecosystems. Additionally, it offers us other necessities for our survival, such as food, medication, and other resources. By protecting species and habitats that are necessary for a healthy world and ecosystem, we are guaranteeing that future generations can continue to take advantage of these crucial resources.

Botany: Solved Previous Year’s Question Paper for   NCERT/ CBSE  Class 12th Botany Paper Code (SEIIKPJXII-34019-A) Read More »

Zoology: Solved Previous Year Question Paper for NCERT/ CBSE  Class 12th Zoology Paper code (HSEIIRKO– 13) 

What are Biosafety issues?
Ans: The steps taken to assure the safe use, handling, and disposal of biological materials are referred to as biosafety issues. These concerns include the safe handling of genetically modified organisms, the containment of potentially infectious agents in laboratory settings, and adequate biological waste disposal. It also entails safeguarding the environment, lab workers, and other people from potentially dangerous chemicals.

Zoology: Solved Previous Year Question Paper for NCERT/ CBSE  Class 12th Zoology Paper code (HSEIIRKO– 13)  Read More »

Botany: Solved Previous Year’s Question Paper for  NCERT/ CBSE  Class 12th Botany Paper Code (HSE2KROXI)

What kind of threats to biodiversity may lead to its loss?
Ans: Threats to biodiversity that can result in its extinction include habitat loss, pollution, invasive species, climate change, over-exploitation, and environmental changes brought on by humans.
1. Habitat Loss: Human activities like urbanisation, deforestation, and agricultural development are serious threats to biodiversity because they destroy and fragment ecosystems.
2. Climate Change: Climate change is affecting species’ life cycles, producing a shift in their ranges, and altering their abundance and distribution.
3. Pollution: Pollution, such as that in the air, water, and ground, can harm or destroy habitats and result in the extinction of species.
4. Invasive Species: These non-native species have the potential to outcompete native species for resources, reducing biodiversity.
5. Overharvesting: Taking too many species for commercial purposes might result in population decreases and put species in jeopardy.

Botany: Solved Previous Year’s Question Paper for  NCERT/ CBSE  Class 12th Botany Paper Code (HSE2KROXI) Read More »

Bachelor’s Button (Centaurea cyanus): Introduction, Classification, Description and Uses

The annual blooming plant Centaurea cyanus also referred to as cornflower or bachelor’s button is a member of the Asteraceae family and is indigenous to Europe. It got its name because it used to frequently grow as a weed in cornfields, where “corn” is used to refer to a variety of cereals, including wheat, barley, rye, and oats. Due to agricultural intensification, notably the excessive use of herbicides, it is now threatened in its natural habitat. Through introduction as a decorative plant in gardens and as a seed contaminant in crop seeds, Centaurea cyanus has now become naturalised in many other regions of the world, including North America and portions of Australia.

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Botany: Solved Previous Year Question Paper for NCERT/ CBSE Class 12th Botany

(i) Hydrophilly: Pollination by water is known as hydrophily. The female reproductive organs of plants receive pollen that has been distributed by the water. Water pollination occurs frequently in a wide range of different plant species as well as in aquatic plants like water lilies.
(ii) Entomophilly: Pollination by insects is referred to as entomophily. Pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and other insects, move pollen from one flower to another so that plants can reproduce successfully.
(iii) Anemophilly: The process of pollination by the wind is known as anemophilly. Pollen is distributed in the air and transported to plants’ female reproductive systems. Grass and other wind-pollinated plants frequently undergo this kind of pollination.

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Zoology: Solved Previous Year Question Paper for NCERT/ CBSE  Class 12th Zoology Paper code (HSEIIRKO–1) 

Humans have been producing silk using the silkworm, an insect, for thousands of years. A luxurious material, silk is used to create a variety of products, including clothing, bedding, and drapes. The silkworm is a crucial insect for human prosperity as it gives silk producers a vital source of revenue and aids in the creation of jobs in the textile sector. Since the silkworm is a crucial link in the food chain, it also contributes to the preservation of biodiversity. Numerous birds and other animals consume silkworm larvae, providing a natural food source. The silkworm is a significant pest control tool since it also produces a pesticide that is naturally occurring. The silkworm is a beneficial insect that plays a significant role in human welfare.

Zoology: Solved Previous Year Question Paper for NCERT/ CBSE  Class 12th Zoology Paper code (HSEIIRKO–1)  Read More »

Botany: Solved Previous Year Question Paper for NCERT/ CBSE Class 12th (Paper code 81019)

Crops that have been genetically altered to produce proteins from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis are referred to as Bt. crops (also known as Bt. transgenic crops) (Bt.). Toxic to some insect species, these proteins act as a natural pesticide. Bt corn, which has been altered to produce the Bt protein Cry1Ab, is one example of a Bt crop.

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Can you share your UPI ID without risk: Safe Digital Banking Practices

• No matter how legitimate they may seem, never give out your account information, including your account number, login ID, password, PIN, UPI-PIN, OTP, and ATM/debit/credit card details, to anybody, not even bank employees.
• A popular tactic used by scammers is to threaten to block your account through phone calls or email under the premise that your KYC hasn’t been updated and urge you to click a link to do so. Never accept requests to update or expedite your KYC. Always go to your bank’s, NBFC’s, or e-wallet provider’s official website or call the branch.
• Don’t instal any unauthorised apps on your phone or another device. Your private information could be accessed discreetly by the app.
• MPIN entry is not necessary for transactions involving the receipt of money or the scanning of barcodes or QR codes. Therefore, use caution if instructed to.
• For contact information, always go to the bank’s, NBFC’s, or e-wallet provider’s official website. Search engine results for phone numbers could be fake.
• Verify the spelling of URLs and domain names that you get through emails or SMS. Use only websites and apps that have been validated, secured, and are reputable for online banking, i.e. websites that begin with “https.” Inform the local police or the cybercrime division once if you have any suspicions.
• Contact your bank or e-wallet provider right once if you receive an OTP for a transaction that wasn’t your idea. Inform your bank or e-wallet provider right away if you receive a debit SMS for a transaction that hasn’t been completed, and has all debit methods, including UPI, blocked. Check for any additions to the beneficiary list that have been enabled for online or mobile banking if you suspect fraudulent activity in your account.
• Don’t share the password of the email account that is connected to your bank or e-wallet account. Never use the same password for your bank account, your email, and any e-commerce or social media sites. Avoid using public, open, or free networks for banking.
• When registering for any website or application using your email as the user-id, avoid using the term “password” as your email password. The password you use to access your email, particularly if it’s tied to your account, should be specific to email access only and should not be used to access any other websites or applications.
• Don’t be duped by suggestions that money is deposited with the RBI on your behalf for international transfers, commission payments, or lottery winners.
• Check your phone and email messages frequently for notifications from your financial service provider. Any unauthorised transaction should be reported right away to your bank, NBFC, or service provider so that they can block the card, account, or wallet and stop any additional losses.
• Protect your cards and establish a daily transaction cap. Additionally, you can activate or deactivate for domestic or international use while setting limits. This can reduce fraud-related loss.

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