December 2021

Two-kingdom system of classification: Characters, Disadvantages, and Dual Organisms

Five-kingdom system of classification: Definition and Characters
Hello, dear students today we will discuss the Five-kingdom system of classification, it was R.H. Whittaker in 1969 classified organisms into Kingdom Plantae, Kingdom Animalia, Kingdom Protista, Kingdom Monera, and New one Kingdom Fungi.
Characters for 5 kingdom classification
1. The organism is pro-karyotic or eu-karyotic
2.The organism is unicellular or multicellular
3. The living being is auto-trophic or hetero-trophic, if the living being is hetero-trophic it is three types A. parasitic B. saprophytic C. holozoic
4. Reproduction refers to whether the individual perform asexually, sexually or both
5. Evolutionary relationship describes how a new individual evolved from an older one, how creation took place

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Binomial Nomenclature: Definition, Rules and Advantages

Tri-Nomial Nomenclature
The Tri-Nomial Nomenclature was given by Lamark. According to this Nomenclature, the name of an organism consists of three words that is why it is called a trinomial system of Nomenclature. The first name is called Generic name, The second name is called Species name or Species epithet and the third name is known as Sub-species for Animals or variety for Plants.

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Taxonomic Aids: Definition, Types, Examples, and Importance

Herbarium: Definition, Kinds, and Functions
A herbarium is a place for the storage of dried, pressed plant specimens mounted on herbarium sheets. So we can easily be called Herbarium as a storehouse of plants.
A herbarium is a place where plants collected from far and wide are preserved in pressed and dried conditions. they are kept in pigeon holes of almirahs according to an accepted system of classification. The art of Herbarium was started by an Italian taxonomist Luca Ghini (1490-1556). Plant specimens in a dried state have been preserved for over 450 years. Gherardo Cibo obtained the oldest known Herbarium specimen in 1532, which is held in Rome.
Note: The Herbarium specimens are systematically arranged on Bentham and Hooker classification system.

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