Photosynthesis: Definition, Early Findings, and Pigments
Photosynthesis is important since
1. 1. It is the principal food source.
2. It releases oxygen into the environment.
Early Findings
1. Jan Ingenhousz: Experiment with aquatic plants in light and dark – He discovered that sunlight is required for plant purification activities.
2. Julius Von Sachs: Plants produce glucose and store it as starch in their green portions.
3. T.W. Engelmann: Spilt light utilising prism into 7 colours (VIBGYOR) – Green Algae Cladophora in a suspension of aerobic bacteria – Bacteria were utilised to detect O2 evolution sites.
4. Cornelius van Niel: He experimented with purple and green bacteria and established that photosynthesis is a light-dependent process in which CO2 is reduced to carbohydrates using hydrogen from H2O. He concluded that oxygen comes from H2O, not CO2.
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