
POLLUTION OF AIR AND WATER: Questions and Answers CBSE/NCERT For Class 8th Science Chapter 18

Describe four techniques to conserve air.
Ans: Here are a few strategies for preserving air: To lower air pollution, planting trees is crucial.
Use of smokeless stoves with efficient designs.
Utilizing smokeless fuels like LPG and CNG.
Equipping automobiles with a unique mechanism known as a catalytic converter to reduce vehicle emissions
Preventing the release of waste gases into the environment by using electrostatic precipitators to remove solid particles, such as carbon, from the gases.

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Water pollution: Definition, Causes, and Agents

Pesticides: are chemical materials utilized by humans to govern pests, those living organisms thought to be dangerous to human interests. Most of the pesticides are poisonous and aim to kill the target species. Pesticides are used globally and in extensive sort of habitats. The extra continual disperse into all environments inclusive of the ones which might be by no means sprayed, e,g the open oceans and subpolar regions. Most of the life on earth is thus in touch with insecticides. The critical ecological traits of insecticides are toxicity, persistence, and their non-precise and density-impartial mode of action. Pesticide applications as dust and sprays lead to their wide dispersal in air, water, and incorporation into food chains in non-target areas. Bio-magnification due to DDT poisoning has devastating effects on top carnivores, especially on predatory birds. These birds are especially vulnerable because DDT includes hormonal changes that affect calcium metabolism and result in thinner eggshells that are liable to break easily. This led to a decline in the population of birds, Lillie osprey, bald eagles, falcons, peregrine, etc. Fishes are also affected substantially since they directly absorb DDT from the surrounding through the gills as well as by their food intake.

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