African lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula): Introduction, Classification, Origin, Distribution, Description, and, Uses

The Poaceae family includes the plant Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees (1841). Cynodon, Sporobolus, and Spartina are among the genera that are closely related. Eragrostis has about 300 recognized species worldwide, mostly in tropical and subtropical areas (Stanley and Ross 1989; Harden 1993). Australia has 69 species of Eragrostis, 52 of which are native, and the rest are introduced (Harden 1993). Queensland has 60 species, 22 of which are found in southeast Queensland, and 7 are introduced (Stanley and Ross 1989). (Hnatinuk 1990). African lovegrass seems to prefer disturbed areas in Australia, particularly along roadsides and in pastures that have been overgrazed for a while. It is typically found in abundance in sandy riverbanks and beach dunes and is typically associated with lightly textured (sandy) soil types, particularly granitic sands. It thrives in some locations on rich, acidic red soils. High seed production, rapid seedling growth, and drought tolerance are all desirable traits in a pasture plant, but some strains’ poor taste makes them weedy. It has been planted all over Australia to preserve soil and improve pasture.

African lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula): Introduction, Classification, Origin, Distribution, Description, and, Uses Read More »